Creating an environment that contributes to learning is the key to the student's success. We feel it is the social communication between students, their peers and the teacher that determines a successful school experience. We feel that effective communication is a fundamental component to our educational philosophy. For all children quality of learning is more important for intellectual and social development. Classrooms at GGPS are well equipped. "A home away from home" environment is provided. The seating arrangement is designed in a systematic way so that the organization of the seats helps the students to feel comfortable. Well-arranged classroom settings reflect the following attributes, clearly defined spaces within the classroom that are used for different purposes which ensure that students know how to behave in each of these areas.


Coworkers sitting together and smiling outside.

GGPS is having a spacious physics lab. Students learning have been enhanced significantly through the use of specially designed lab facilities. Students spend most of their time at the large demonstration table performing experiments on their own. Students can work in primary groups of two or four depending on the activity in hand. Physics lab is well equipped with the instruments and apparatus to cater academic needs of the students.
GGPS Physics Laboratory is spacious, well lighted and equipped with best of the apparatus. Often the Physics teachers take their regular classes within the Laboratory itself to bring theory and practice together leading to better understanding and cognition of the underlying concepts.


Coworkers sitting together and smiling outside.

Chemistry Lab has in store with it all the most modern facilities. Each table is provided with sinks and gas connections. Gas connections are having separate valves too. Chemistry Laboratory is also spacious, well lighted and well equipped with best of the apparatus. Often the chemistry teachers take the regular classes in the chemistry laboratory itself, resulting in students getting exposed to both theory and practice simultaneously, leading to better understanding and cognition of the underlying concepts.


Coworkers sitting together and smiling outside.

This lab is equipped with well-equipped instruments , microscopes, computer and it gives relevant information about the unicellular and multicellular organisms by keeping the spicemens of all multicellular organisms.


Coworkers sitting together and smiling outside.

GGPS has two Math labs one for junior (classes 1 to 5) and other for senior (classes 6 to 9) section. It is a place where students can learn and explore various mathematics concepts and verify various mathematical facts and theorems using variety of activities and it is well equipped with necessary kits and tools. It provides an opportunity to the students to understand and internalize the basic mathematical concepts through concrete objects and situations. It provides greater scope for individual participation in the process of learning and becoming autonomous learners.

Latest Achievement

25 Apr, 2024

JEE Main Final Results

JEE Main Final Results

13 Feb, 2024



12 May, 2023

Class X Board Exam Result 2023

GGPS Chas witnessed celebration of Toppers of 10th Board: Friday 12th, May 2023: With dec...

12 May, 2023

Class XII Board Exam Result 2023

GGPS CHAS (12/09/2023): GGPS Chas Students secured 100% result in AISSCE: Chas based Gur...

03 Feb, 2023

जीजीपीएस के अंकुर ने राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर ...

जीजीपीएस के अंकुर ने राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर लहराया पंचम: बोकारो नगर,जीजीपीएस चास के वर्ग नवम ...